Final Words for Peter: 1 Peter Lesson 16
November 9, 2022
Peter now comes to the close of his letter to the dispersed believers in northern Asia Minor...he has sought to encourage and strengthen them as they anticipate and are beginning to experience suffering for their faith in Christ...
Elders & Deacons: 1 Peter Lesson 15
November 2, 2022
I have a two-part series this week entitled “Elders and Deacons.” Today I’m going to teach from 1 Peter 5 on elders. Sunday, I’m going to teach on 1 Timothy 3:8-13 on deacons.
A Life of Suffering: 1 Peter Lesson 14
October 26, 2022
Peter sees that the church was entering a season of suffering that would test the very foundation of their faith...history recounts that indeed
1 Peter: Lesson 13
October 20, 2022
The word “suffer,” or a variation of that word like “suffered” or “suffering” appears 18 times in 1 Peter and much of its contextual use is in relation to suffering for doing good and the majority contextual example given to us is that Christ also suffered for doing good.
A Suffering Savior: 1 Peter Lesson 12
October 5, 2022
In verse 18, Peter makes the connection here to verse 17 by using the word phrase “also suffered.” Peter takes the suffering for doing good and ties it into the greatest example of suffering for doing good – Jesus.
A Life of Blessing: 1 Peter Lesson 11
July 11, 2022
The passage breaks down into two portions: the first, verses 8 through 12, is instruction to the believers to whom Peter is writing, on how to live in the world...it includes a lengthy quote from Psalm 34.
Christian Marriage: 1 Peter Lesson 10
July 10, 2022
Tonight I tackle a passage that Bible teachers sometimes skip over due to the probability of controversy...but that’s not what we do at this church...if you are committed to teaching the whole counsel of God, then that’s what you teach.
A Servant's Attitude: 1 Peter Lesson 9
July 9, 2022
As you’ve likely noticed, this passage tonight fits in the middle of the larger context of the book...the theme of the second half of the chapter two and the beginning of chapter three is the phrase “be subject to” – Gr. ‘hypotasso’ – we’ll go into more detail on that in a moment, but first let’s do a quick overview.
Please God by Submitting to Government: 1 Peter Lesson 8
July 8, 2022
We are going to study the text while considering the historic and cultural background, as well as the purpose of the book.
Live Like you Belong to God: 1 Peter Lesson 7
July 7, 2022
First we’ll look at Peter’s continuation of the thought from last week...our identity as living stones following the Cornerstone, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the Cornerstone: 1 Peter Lesson 6
July 6, 2022
The primary thought of this passage is about Who Jesus is...that He is the Cornerstone, chosen and precious, foretold by the Old Testament prophets, having come to earth as the Word made flesh, and now resurrected, ascended, and present in His people through the Holy Spirit.
The Word of God: 1 Peter Lesson 5
July 5, 2022
Peter begins this short verse with a transition, again looking backward to the earlier truths in the chapter, about being sober-minded and setting your hope fully on God’s grace; about not living according to your old life, but instead in a holy way, that’s in accordance with the character of the Father
Ransomed: 1 Peter Lesson 4
July 4, 2022
Peter begins with a transition from the passage just before...”concerning this salvation”...he takes a few moments to describe how the Lord brought to us our understanding of what He has accomplished in saving a people for Himself.
Guarded and Grieved: 1 Peter Lesson 3
July 3, 2022
Goal for tonight is to jump into the actual text of the book beyond the prologue, and realize who we are in Christ – those foreknown by the Father, sanctified by the Spirit, called to live in obedience to Jesus, and sprinkled – cleansed – by His very blood.
Chosen by God: 1 Peter Lesson 2
July 2, 2022
Goal for tonight is to build on what we learned last week about Peter, the book itself, the context, the first recipients of the letter...and begin to understand the message of this book...every book in the Bible is included in God’s word for a reason.
An Introduction to 1 Peter: 1 Peter Lesson 1
July 1, 2022
Welcome to the first week of our new study of the New Testament book of I Peter...I’m excited and privileged to get us started on this journey through this wonderful book.
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