By Kyle Mounts November 24, 2024
In this sermon, we unpack Haggai 2, a book filled with hope and encouragement for God's people. Explore the prophet's call to rebuild the temple and the incredible promises God makes to those who obey. Discover how the "latter glory" of the second temple foreshadows an even greater glory to come – the arrival of the Messiah!
Whose House will You Build?: The Twelve Lesson 38 - Haggai
By Kyle Mounts July 7, 2024
The Valley of Decision: The Twelve Lesson 37 - Joel
By Kyle Mounts June 9, 2024
God’s Greater Blessing: The Twelve Lesson 36 - Joel
By Kyle Mounts March 24, 2024
The Lesser Blessing: The Twelve Lesson 35 - Joel
By Kyle Mounts December 31, 2023
Return to Me: The Twelve Lesson 34 - Joel
By Kyle Mounts November 19, 2023
Trust in God’s Justice: The Twelve Lesson 33 - Obadiah
By Kyle Mounts September 10, 2023
When Everything Falls Apart: The Twelve Lesson 32
By Kyle Mounts July 2, 2023
What Faith Does: The Twelve Lesson 31
By Kyle Mounts May 28, 2023
Where are You, God?: The Twelve Lesson 30
By Kyle Mounts March 19, 2023
As we begin this journey through the book of Habakkuk, let’s examine some key elements that will help us set this book in its context.
There is Hope: The Twelve Lesson 29
February 12, 2023
To review, the book of Zephaniah was written sometime between 640 and 587 BC, about fifty years before the beginning of the fall of Judah...the prophet was a contemporary of Nahum, Habbakkuk, and Jeremiah, and he was an intelligent and devout believer in Yahweh
The Twelve Lesson 28: Zephaniah 1:1-2:3
October 19, 2022
Today we begin our study of a rather short book, the book of Zephaniah...this is one of the books that even some long-time Christians might not recognize as a book of the Bible.
The King over all the Earth: The Twelve Lesson 27 - Nahum 2 & 3
April 11, 2021
As we begin the second and third chapters, the focus of the prophecy changes from the promise of God to judge the city of Nineveh and the Assyrian empire, to a vision of the prophecy fully coming to pass.
Nahum 1:1-15
April 10, 2021
As we turn to Judah, you’ll see Nahum as the second green bar above the timeline, about halfway between 700 BC and 600 BC...let’s dive into this book...what do we know about it? Let’s look at verse 1...
Micah 7:14-20
April 9, 2021
As chapter 7 concludes, Micah presents one of the most vexing problems in can the thrice-holy God forgive sin and pardon transgressions, without compromising His holy character? We find the answer here described in outline in the conclusion of Micah’s prophecy...
Micah 7:1-13
April 8, 2021
As chapter 7 opens, the style of writing changes, from a structured covenant lawsuit to a style of writing with which we are probably more familiar: a lament...if I were to put a title on this passage, it would be this: “From Lament to Praise”....
Micah 6:9-16
April 7, 2021
Now as we return to chapter 6, let’s review for a moment the framework of the takes the form of a covenant lawsuit oracle, as God takes the roles of both judge and plaintiff, calling His people to account for their abandonment of the covenant and their rejection of His covenant faithfulness and love...creation is the witness and the people of Jerusalem and Judah are the defendants.
Micah 6:1-8
April 6, 2021
Now as we turn to chapter 6, the beginning of Micah’s third and final oracle...this week we find ourselves in a court room, listening to a case being argued...but it’s not a criminal case, or even a civil case, it’s what today we would call a family law case.
Micah 5:1-15
April 5, 2021
Now we turn to chapter 5, the end of the second oracle... and the most famous passage in the book, which I suggest is the theological center of Micah’s prophecy: verse 2
Micah 4:6-13
April 4, 2021
The book of Micah is the transitional prophecy of the Twelve...he’s the prophet that God raised up to speak to both Israel and different times in their national lives, but to both kingdoms nevertheless...content certainly reflects that...including him on both timeline slides to reflect that distinctive ministry.
Micah 4:1-5
April 4, 2021
Now in chapters 4 and 5 we turn from the “rebuke” portion of the second oracle to the “restoration” portion...
Micah 2 & 3
April 3, 2021
Last week we began our journey through the book of Micah with a look at the background, themes, date, author, et al, to set everything in we continue with a look at the completion of the first judgment oracle (1-2) and the beginning of the second (3-5)...
Micah 1:1-16
April 2, 2021
Last week we completed our study of the book of we begin our study of the fourth book in the series “The Twelve”, the book of’s the last book of the prophets to the northern kingdom of Israel.
Hosea 14
April 1, 2021
God’s final word on Israel’s sins of idolatry and pride and forgetfulness of their God and His promise to bring judgment on the nation through the Assyrian Empire, compared to a scorching east wind and vicious attacks by wild beasts...this week we will look back at the major lessons of this prophet, then cover a much brighter final chapter, chapter 14
Hosea 12:1 - 13:16
March 31, 2021
now, as we near the end of this prophetic book, we look today to chapters 12 and 13 to continue the oracle of Hosea...then next week, we’ll cover the final chapter, chapter 14, and we’ll do a quick review of the book to reinforce the major lessons we learned...
Hosea 10:1 - 11:12
March 30, 2021
This passage is more encouraging than some of the rest of the book...even in the midst of the coming judgment that Israel certainly deserved, we’ll see today that the heart and mind of our covenant God is still for us...and while there will be times of discipline, He will not utterly destroy His people
Hosea 8:1-9:17
March 29, 2021
Now we return to Hosea to see the continued decline of Israel and the judgment God would bring upon them...we’ll pick up the text in chapter 8 verse 1...and I want us to look at this question
Hosea 6 & 7
March 29, 2021
Last time, we examined chapters four and five, as God took up a controversy with His people, particularly with the priests and prophets, for their failure to demonstrate the faithfulness, steadfast love, and knowledge of God that He expected...instead, they had committed heinous sins against each other as well as against their covenant God.
Hosea 4 & 5
March 28, 2021
Last time, we looked carefully at the text from the end of chapter one through chapter this important passage, the speaker changes from Hosea to God and back again, and we see the sudden shift from the bleak judgment in chapter one to the promise of redemption in chapters two and three, both of the nation of Israel and of Gomer, the wife and mother in the story.
Hosea 1:10 - 3:5
March 27, 2021
Today we move forward into chapter two and chapter three, having looked last week at some background information, including who Hosea was; the religious, political, and social setting of the final years before the fall of the northern kingdom in the middle of the eighth century BC; the challenges we face in understanding this moving yet complex book...again, be aware of the content of this book, is a reason for my disclaimer...
Hosea 1:1-9
March 26, 2021
As we begin, we’ll consider this prophecy in the context of the time and space of the nation of Israel, their kings, the spiritual condition and the political upheaval of the nation in the period just prior to the Assyrian conquest and the deportation of a great majority of the people to the most distant reaches of the Assyrian Empire...
Amos 8 & 9
March 25, 2021
We recall last week from chapters six and seven that Israel had rejected God’s final offer of “Seek Me and live” as well as His commands to live according to the covenant...God responds with both oracles and visions of judgment delivered through Amos...and today we reach the end of this prophecy from the herdsman of Tekoa...
Amos 6 & 7
March 24, 2021
Let’s dive into the we’ll be covering chapters six and seven, both of which are fairly short, but important in the way they add to the prophetic message...we’ll begin at chapter six verse one
Amos 5:1-27
March 23, 2021
As Amos begins this judgment speech, he uses a literary tool that frequently appears in Scripture, and in other ancient writings as well, called a chiasm, named for the Greek letter chi, which is shaped like our letter X -- the symmetry of the structure serves to focus the reader’s attention toward the center, the most significant point of the’s how verses 1 through 17 are arranged...
Amos 3:1-15 & 4:1-13
March 22, 2021
This week we continue our study of the oracles of Amos, the bivocational prophet...we find him on the timeline just to the right of Jonah, also serving during the almost forty-one year reign of Jeroboam II, 793 BC to 743 BC...
Amos 1:1-15 & 2:1-16
March 21, 2021
This week we turn to the next prophet in the order of the prophets to Israel -- Amos -- we find him on the timeline just to the right of Jonah, also serving during the almost forty-one year reign of Jeroboam II, 793 BC to 743 BC...this book will take a few weeks, due both to its length -- nine chapters -- and its content, which is a wide-ranging and comprehensive look at conditions in the northern kingdom and the surrounding nations as well
Jonah 1A
March 19, 2021
Welcome back as we continue our study of The Twelve, the collection of prophetic books that closes the Old Testament…
Intro to the Twelve
March 15, 2021
The unified monarchy ended with Solomon’s death and the division of the kingdom into two parts, in 930 BC (I Kings 11 and 12)… so that was about half the Old Testament in a couple of minutes
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