Sunday Service 9am & 11am
Wednesday Service 7pm
(210) 920-6502
551 E Nakoma St.
San Antonio, TX 78216
Howdy! Alright, if you know me you know I love 3 things. Singing, barbecuing, and history! 4 things! My family. Sorry hon.
I am not up here to sing. I don’t have enough time to barbecue, but I can share a piece of history with you. In theme with our AWOL From Grace theme of Galatians, I want to introduce today’s passage by sharing a fascinating story that took place during World War 2.
On May 26t,h 1940 one of the most awe-inspiring rescue missions in history took place. The Allied forces had been decimated and retreated all the way back to the port city of Dunkirk. There was nowhere left for the Allies to run. The Axis powers surrounded them on three sides, and the English Channel blocked their retreat to the north.
To add insult to injury The Axis troops dropped pamphlets on the Allied forces at Dunkirk which read, “Look at this Map; it gives your true situation! Your Troops are entirely surrounded! Stop fighting! Put down your arms!”
Winston Churchill got approval to launch “Operation Dynamo” Which was the British hope against the advancing Axis troops.
Operation Dynamo was supposed to last for just two days, and the goal was to rescue 45 thousand troops. But 9 days later Operation Dynamo was an even greater success than Britain had hoped for and they ended up rescuing over 338 thousand troops! Far surpassing their 45 thousand troop goal. They did this despite enemy fire, air raids, and rough seas.
Many historians agree that Dunkirk was one of the major catalysts that helped the Allies eventually win the war. Without a successful rescue mission, there would be no Allied forces left to fight back the Axis later on in the war.
Historians have grown fond of calling this event the “Miracle of Dunkirk”, and thank God for his provision! While others claim that Dunkirk is actually the result of many small decisions from both the Allis and Axis powers that resulted in the astonishing rescue!
So what we do have here is an amazing example of sowing and reaping which is today’s text. The Miracle of Dunkirk was not one grand event, but many small grand events all taking place at once!
Here’s a seed. Like tAlly'sies quick decision to retreat from the Maginot line all the way back to Dunkirk. Another was the Battle of Callais 30 miles west of Dunkirk where 30 thousand Allied refused to surrender within t2-hour our allotted time, and held out for 4 days… allowing Operation Dynamo to start successfully. We see another seed being thrown by the Royal Airforce as they fought to maintain air support even though they were outnumbered 3 to 1. We see a seed in the blunders of Germanyodd-dayday passivity after their successful blitzkrieg up to that point. We see many good men making good decisions, and then reaping the outcomes of those decisions in the results of World War 2.
And now in our text, Paul is using the example of sowing seed and reaping the results.
If you were raised anything like me you would think this text to be a very negative text. Growing up sowing and reaping were always taught as a response to the consequences of sin.
Ironically there was never a sermon preached about the positives of sowing and reaping, but yet we find that the text is mostly positive! That’s why the title of our message today is Sowing Good Seed.
Let’s turn to our passage. And I want you to see this text as a hill that Paul is walking us up.
He goes from an easy physical application at the start-up to a harder spiritual application in the middle and then near the top to a physical application in the way that he addresses the Galatian churches, and his literary movement goes from good to evil or bad/scary and then levels off back to good.
Paul’s way of communicating these truths is through first a very physical lens in verse 6. He gives some great positiapplicationsion.
So this is the bottom of the hill. This is the easy part! This is our positive physical application, and it says,
“Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches”
And let's fill in point #1 Good Seed Honors our Spiritual Teachers
Here we have Paul encouraging others to share all good things with others. Particularly its reciprocity to our teachers in the faith. He is outlying plainly to believers in the church we should be sowing generously in the lives of those who instruct others.
We hear a lot in our church that we are to make disciples. Not only are we to be a disciple maker but also encourage other disciple makers! Thank those who are serving Christ faithfully!
Paul himself was an example of this in many of his epistles. Look at these verses up here on the screen.
You’ve got one in Romans, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians. We even have some the in first and second Timothy and Philemon.
Paul can't help but talk about the good encouraging things that other churches are doing. In context Galatians 6:6 is also past due especially for Paul. He usually starts off every letter with a commendation and about how he rejoices over that particular church, but instead, in Galati, he spends the first 5 chapters tearing them down for their foolishness. Now in the first part of chapter 6, he talks about the joys of restoration and how everybody should be humble and seek the restoration of the believers. And now he's turning around and saying hey guys let's “sow good seed by honoring our teachers.”
What are some good ways to honor our teachers? #1 we can…
Honor by encouraging
Sometimes you can honor someone by sharing a physical gift with them, or sometimes you can honor someone by sharing an encouraging word with them.
And I’ll be honest. This one is pretty easy for me. I’m an extrovert, and I also want to be liked. So I am much more prone to share a positive word or an act of reciprocity with someone even if someone else would they don’t deserve that.” I have that gift to commend someone and encourage. But not everyone is like me. Not everyone has that as a “gift”, but this is still something we are commanded to do.
Like we learned last Wednesday. An object in motion tends to stay in motion, and an object at rest stays at rest. Start by sharing an encouraging word with someone and let the Lord lead you to wherever he wants you to serve.
Still, you may be thinking, I’m not good at giving compliments, how else can I “Share all good things with the ones who teach?”
Honor by laboring
Can I recommend sharing your time? I can recommend a couple of diligent people who teach behind the scenes every single week. Not only tech but give of their own lives to those whom they are teaching. I’m thinking of Shay Mounts who leads our children’s ministry. I’m thinking of Daniel Armstrong who leads our teen ministry. How can you “share all good things” with them?
Can you share your time with these teachers?
We’ve touched on honor by encouraging, and honor by laboring, here’s a third.
Honor by praying
How often do you pray for our teachers? Our pastor, our elders and their wives, our ministry directors, our missions teams, our ministries! Prayer is part of the “all good things” that we should be sharing.
Share your prayer time, pray less about yourself, pray more for others. Please don’t be selfish in your prayer time! Do you guys remember that video we saw on New Year’s Day that said, “Do you want to change the world?” And in huge letters below it is said “PRAY”
Let us have that same mindset. When we see someone laboring for the Lord, rally behind them! Encourage them! Volunteer alongside them, ask them what they need, and ask them how you can pray for them in this period in their lives! Ask them what people they are currently dealing with either for salvation or spiritual growth so you can come alongside your spiritual teachers in prayer!
But sow that good seed that honors our spiritual teachers.
Bringing it back to Galatians as a whole Paul especially wanted the church to rally behind the spiritual teachers who have been teaching truth in the midst of the Judaizer’s false teachings.
Let’s go to the next verse.
“Do not be deceived God is not mocked, for whatever one sows that will he also reap.”
“For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.””
Point 2. Good Seed thrives. Bad Seed dies.
Going back to that hill that Paul is walking us up we go from a physical sense now to a spiritual and we go from an easy application to a hard one. This hill is getting difficult to walk up. Verse 7. Which is the heart of our text.
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked…
Remember who Paul is writing this to. The Judaizers. People who are clinging to the law for their worth in Christ. And he says that you only deceive yourself if you cling to the law!
Do not be deceived? hmm where have we heard that before in the Old Testament? Sounds like Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick (King James says Wicked) who can know it? verse 10 says “I the Lord searched the heart and test the mind to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds”
wow, it's almost like Paul is referencing this passage!
Jeremiah was writing to the Jews of his time and telling them that their hearts were deceitful. Galatians 6:7 is written to believers warning us that we can be deceived into thinking our works in the flesh will reap spiritual benefits.
Paul has been battling with the Judaizers since chapter 1. He has pleaded with them to cast off this false gospel and to give up on their hope of circumcision to be right before God. And this is what the preacher’s guild has been conveying to you! Don’t think that your works mean anything before God.
Adam just 3 weeks ago was talking about the dangers of thinking Christianity is just like moral check boxes that you can do throughout your day!
But Beware! Beware of anyone or any religion that is teaching anything contrary to Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection for salvation. Works-based salvation is a bad seed.
Or a Jesus + gospel as well is another bad seed! The Judaizers were preaching Jesus + circumcision for salvation, and in today’s churches there are those who teach Jesus + BLANK.
Jesus plus my religion (bad seed). Jesus + sacraments (bad seed). Jesus + moralism (bad seed). Jesus + good works (bad seed) Jesus + shame. And perhaps the most common, and the sneakiest. Jesus + my way which has taken control of many people in the church.
Another bad seed is the surface-level belief in God that many people hold to today. I get to talk to so many people who say “I believe in God”, but do not go as far as to mention Jesus or have such a loose knowledge of who God is and what his plan of salvation is, and it makes me wonder, doesn’t that scare you?
Going back to our text, God is not mocked is a direct look at the rest of this book. The Judaizers think that Jesus plus the law is good enough for salvation. Good enough to stay right with God.
And to that Paul’s response is God is not mocked. Our actions are seeds that will produce a corresponding harvest. And this law applies to everyone. Regardless of their beliefs.
Verse 8. “For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.”
How do you sow to the flesh?
Look at the entire book of Galatians! Look at the bad seeds we just talked about. We have the Judaizers who are sowing to the flesh. Or placing their confidence in the flesh or their “lack of flesh” and these people will reap corruption and destruction as a result.
Isaiah 64:6 says that all of our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment.
Our righteous deeds are just sowing to the flesh! Some people are trying to just be good enough to get into heaven but you can't!
Let me be very clear. Hell is the result of our good works. Do you want to know how to go to hell? Try to be good enough to go to heaven. The Bible says to put no confidence in the flesh. It says, “By the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified!”
And for the Christian, I don’t want to re-hash Adam’s sermon from 3 weeks ago so go listen to it online if you haven’t, but he gets into “sowing to the flesh” in Galatians 5. So Christian friend, don’t walk in the flesh! Don’t sow to your flesh!
And Adam said something fascinating. Here’s a preview of it because it ties into verse 8: “Living by the flesh even to please God goes against what the Spirit wants. When you hear the word flesh in context with scripture you think sin, but in context to the rest of Galatians, you find that trying to earn God’s approval through your blood, sweat, and tears is an inherently fleshly and inherently prideful way to live even though it seems holy. Pleasing God through self-effort doesn’t work.”
Why? Our righteousness even as a Christian, is still just more polluted garments! There’s a big difference between doing “good” things to impress God versus doing “good” things as a response to his love for you.
In Matthew 7:21 Jesus says “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
That passage used to trouble me when I was growing up. Because I was worried that I would be one of the few people who did all these things for God and then still get denied at the gate. But as I’ve grown I’ve learned that Jesus is talking about people who have placed their hope in their own works. Who tells God, look! Here is my proof for heaven. And it’s all rolled up in their own good deeds. But yet God says no! The proof of heaven resides in my son alone.
So stop sowing to the flesh! Throw that bad seed away!
OK, let’s take a step back for a second. I’m sure you’re thinking, hey, I thought this was supposed to be a positive text! And it does turn positive, but only if we do things God’s way.
The opposite of sowing to the flesh is sowing to the Spirit.
How do you sow to the spirit?
One way of Sowing to the spirit is knowing that your confidence, your hope for heaven, is not in anything you could possibly do. But it’s all wrapped up in what God has already done for us. Robin outlined God’s plan of salvation wonderfully at the start of Galatians. Go back and listen to his message if you haven’t heard it! But while Bad seed is the result of our works. Good seed is not in anything we are capable of doing.
Good seed is also reflected in Galatians 5:18. “Being led by the spirit”.
Let me give you a practical example of the same exercise being both kinds of seeds. Sowing to the flesh is opening your Bible and reading it so that God will be pleased with you. So that you can feel better about your spiritual walk. Or reading it in the breakroom, or in the living room to be seen by others.
But sowing to the spirit is opening your Bible and reading it to learn how to walk in the spirit. And reading it out of gratitude for all that God has done. Or reading it because you are following God’s will out of a love for his word.
It’s not “God look at me”, but “Wow! God, look at you!” Do you see?
Let’s go to verse 9. And let us not grow weary of doing good. For in due season, we will reap if we do not give up.
I’m sure you’re thinking, well how is this not sowing to the flesh? It just mentions doing good!
This is different than the sowing to the flesh in verse 8, because as we saw, if we are following Christ’s leading the fruit of the spirit is an outflowing of the work that the Holy Spirit is doing in the life of the believer versus us doing these works for our own merit.
Galatians 5:22-23 outlines the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience kindness, goodness, etc) but this is not the main goal! The main goal is verse 18.
Being led by the Spirit. And verse 16, Walk in the Spirit.
And verses 22-23 are the result of being led by the Spirit. Now here in this chapter, Paul is encouraging the believers to not grow weary in pursuing the spirit and the good works that the spirit brings.
Remember the hill that Paul is leading us up? We are now crossing the toughest point it feels like. We’re more than halfway, but still have a ways to go, And we would like to give up and turn around, but Paul is saying don’t give up! And to encourage us, his application starts to become more positive again.
In the beginning of the message, I spoke of Dunkirk. Well, Winston Churchill gave a speech to the House of Commons the same day Operation Dynamo finished up. He wanted to light a fire and prepare them for the hard months ahead. He said,
“We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender!”
Doesn’t that give you goosebumps?!
He gave another speech after World War 2 to a graduating class, and the most famous words of it were “Never, Never, Never give up!”
So I tell you Christian, Never Never give up!
Never give up on our outreach to the lost. Never give up on praying for your lost family and friends. Never give up serving.
Fill in the next blank space in your outline. Good Seed bears fruit.
Good seed don’t quit! It perseveres.
Why do people give up? Sometimes it’s because they feel that what they are doing doesn’t matter. Or they are doing it alone. The devil lies in our ear repeatedly wanting us to despair like the prophet Elijah. Or trying to convince us to just take a day off. Or a week. Or however long he can keep us distracted. I’ve been guilty of that in the past. But never give up! Keep praying. Keep serving! Encourage one another unto love and to good works.
As we learned last Wednesday an object in motion stays in motion. So start serving the Lord in whatever area you can find, and then let him redirect you towards a new gift or a specific ministry.
From my earlier point about “sharing all good things” and volunteering, did you know that while you guys are in here on Sundays Paul, Cheryl, and others are with the 2-5 year-olds dancing and singing songs to help the kids memorize scripture! “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory, (hand-motions) for everything in the heavens and the earth belongs to you. 1 Chronicles 29:11!”
Yeah! Don’t give up on that, Shay has people who love the children of verse by verse fellowship and they serve faithfully. So let me encourage you here to not grow weary in doing good here in our church! In the different ministry opportunities, we have here at Verse By Verse. A few weeks ago I felt led by the Lord to start praying for 100 volunteers in the children’s ministry. Is this something that the Lord is calling you to be a part of?
For those of you who are married. Please don’t stop praying and pleading for your spouses. That they are led by the Holy Spirit. That your spouse would fix their eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face. That the things of earth will grow strangely dim. In the light of his glory and grace. Never never never give up praying for your spouse.
To the husbands Never give up on learning how to love your wives, even as Chris loved his church and gave himself for it.
For those of you who have small children, don’t give up on praying for them! For their spiritual maturity and lives to grow deeper in Christ! For those who have grown children who are wayward don’t give up on them! Don’t give up praying for them!
Don’t give up on praying for your grandkids!
We just finished with the Proverbs series. And something that irks me is the whole “truism” piece of proverbs. Why can’t it be true all the time?! Why do kids rebel?! Why do adults walk away from their faith?!
My wife has asked many people with adult children, “What would you say you did right or wrong that made your kids end up following or not following Christ as adults?” And the answers have been similar. The biggest regret parents have is that they did not live out their faith while they were raising their children, or they came to Christ after their children were grown, or they simply lost track of time and didn’t spend the time with their children in their formative years and the world got to them instead. It’s a tough conversation, but we are desperate to learn and grow as parents. So thank you to those of you who have shared some tough conversations with us. Let me try to encourage you once more. “Never never never give up” praying for your kids.
Be encouraged by 3 John 1:4 “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
Never give up on doing the work of an evangelist here in town! We have local mission trips and even international mission trips! Do the Work of an Evangelist 2 Timothy 4:5 says.
As Paul says to the Corinthian church, Be watchful! Stand firm in the faith! Act like men! Be strong! Never grow weary in doing the work that the Lord has called you to do!
Let me give you some encouragement that a brother shared with me. Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
God prepared the work for us beforehand. All he calls us to do is walk in the work he has prepared.
It’s not about you. Isn’t that a relief? It’s all about Him! Why should we not give up? Is it for our own glory or benefit? No. It’s all for God!
Ephesians 2:10 gets paired beautifully with Philippians 2:13. “For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure!” Let God do the work in you.
We don’t have to fret about it. Be led by the Spirit. Galatians 5:18. Walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5:16. Listen to Adam’s sermon.
My wife has this playlist that’s titled “When I’m Weary”. And it’s all songs about heaven. It’s wonderful. I’ve been blessed by it. And the words to one of the songs are. Almost home! Brother, it won't be long! Soon all your burdens will be gone! WE ARE ALMOST HOME. Don’t give up! Remember we are almost home!
Isaiah 40:28 Have you not known? Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint or grow weary;
his understanding is unsearchable.
29 He gives power to the faint,
and to him who has no might he increases strength.
30 Even youths shall faint and be weary,
and young men shall fall exhausted;
31 but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.
If you have been serving the Lord and you are weary. Step one is, to wait on the Lord. Let him sustain you. I have felt this tremendous strength that God gives. I’ve been weary. And thinking that it’s only sleep that I need. But that is false. What we really need is to wait on the Lord and let him fill us. Worship Him when you’re ready.
There is a story about a missionary and his wife who served in Africa for nearly 40 years and who were returning to New York on the same ship that carried President Teddy Roosevelt back home from a big game hunting trip. Roosevelt stepped from the boat with great fanfare and a band, flags waiving, people cheering and reporters lined up to get a comment from him. But no one even came to meet the missionary and his wife who served. While President Roosevelt enjoyed the fanfare the missionary and his wife slowly walked away unnoticed. They couldn’t even leave the boat while all the fanfare was there. Everyone had to wait for the former president and the press to move on and then they could leave.
For the next week, the missionary struggled with that image in his head. He was sinking deeper into depression when one evening, he said to his wife, “This is all wrong. This man comes back from a hunting trip and everybody throws a big party. We give our lives in faithful service to God for all these many years, but no one seems to care.”
His wife cautioned him that he should not feel this way. The missionary replied “I know, but I just can't help it. It just isn't right.”
His wife told him, “You know God doesn't mind if we honestly question Him. You need to tell this to the Lord and get this settled now. You'll be useless in His ministry until you do.”
With that, he went into his bedroom, got onto his knees, and began pouring out his heart to the Lord.
He said, “Lord, you know our situation and what's troubling me. We gladly served you faithfully for years without complaining. But now God, I just can't get this incident out of my mind...”
After about ten minutes of fervent prayer, the missionary returned to the living room with a peaceful look on his face. His wife said “It looks like you've resolved the matter. What happened?”
The missionary replied, “The Lord settled it for me. I told Him how bitter I was that the President received this tremendous homecoming, but no one even met us as we returned home. When I finished, it seemed as though the Lord put His hand on my shoulder and simply said, 'But, you are not home yet!'”
That reminds me of 1 Corinthians 2:9 which says,
But, as it is written,
“no eye has seen, nor ear heard,
nor the heart of man imagined,
what God has prepared for those who love him”—
We are not home yet. Let’s not grow weary.
OK, let’s read verse 10. We’ve made it to the top of this hill now.
“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
This is not a cop-out! You always have an opportunity. Especially to those of the household of faith. I had an old pastor who always said “Anyone can use either a word, a look, or a touch.”
Take a look at Galatians 1:2. Who is he writing to? The churches of Galatia. Not just the first church of Galatia, but the churches scattered there in that region! He is encouraging them, giving them a physical application. Do good to everyone!
We have many churches and believers in this city. Do good to them. Even those who don’t come to Verse By Verse Fellowship. I enjoy telling people, hey it’s not about “my church” it’s about Jesus! So look out for those who are serving the Lord, maybe in local missions, maybe at work, and do good to them!
Let Romans 12:9-13 be your application for how you should treat your brother.
Vs 9. Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. 10. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. 11. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 13. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.
Look to share a word, a look, or a touch with a brother.
Guys, I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t finish this message without telling you why Jesus is so important.
Remember how one sin got Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden of Eden? Our sin now separates us from God. Think about how many times you sin throughout your day… You know Jesus taught that even to look at someone with lust in your heart is the same as committing adultery. And to hate someone makes you guilty of murder… Do you have a need for a savior?
I get to hear from a lot of people about their thoughts on how they will go to heaven through various ministries over the years. A lot of people believe we all get to go to heaven. But God does not allow sinners to enter into his kingdom. And We are not all God’s children as many people believe! We cannot do ANYTHING to make it into heaven. Our good works are not enough.
If your religion teaches that you can eventually attain salvation by your good works then it is lying to you. You can bring nothing to the table when it comes to salvation! This is the bad news. But there is good news!
Jesus is EVERYTHING. He taught: I am the Way The Truth and The Life. No man comes to God the Father except through ME!
Without Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection we get a whole bunch of nothing.
From our text, Sowing to the flesh is confidence in the flesh. Sowing to the Spirit is knowing where your faith and hope reside. Where does it reside? JESUS! It’s like that song, In Christ alone my hope is found.
He alone can save you. If you are here today and you’re unsure about your eternal security, then do not leave this building without getting right with God.
Find out how you can be sure of your salvation. Talk with someone and ask them how you can know be saved! We would love to go over Romans 10:9-10 with you. God is calling you to repent of your sin! To confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord! And to believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead! If you do these things you will be saved! This is the good news! It’s so simple don’t miss it!
Let me share this song with you. It’s an older Southern Gospel song, that didn’t get very popular, but when I was reading about the battle of Dunkirk this song came to mind…
On a battlefield one day the charge was given.
To a soldier in a land so far from home.
To climb the hill meant death was surely waiting.
Determined he decided to press on.
In his mind, he pictured people living in freedom.
All because of the price that he would pay
His life a sacrifice by his own choosing.
But oh what a victory that day!
He took the Hill! A perfect soldier
He took the hill now the battles over
The price was paid. Our flag was raised
His task fulfilled. He took the hill.
On a battlefield for souls a charge was given
To a soldier in a land so far from home.
Calvary’s climb meant death was surely waiting.
Determined He decided to press on.
In his mind he pictured people living in heaven
All because of the price that he would pay.
His life the sacrifice by his own choosing,
But oh what a victory that day!
He took the hill. Heavens soldier!
He took the hill. Now the battles over!
The cross was raised. Sins debt was paid.
God’s love fulfilled. He took the hill.
Jesus took the hill!
Taught by Anthony Alcorta
Verse By Verse Fellowship