Final Expectations: Hebrews Lesson 35
By Kyle Mounts July 17, 2023
Long Obedience in the Same Direction: Hebrews Lesson 34
By Kyle Mounts July 9, 2023
Love, Marriage, Money, and Jesus: Hebrews Lesson 33
By Kyle Mounts June 25, 2023
Twin Peaks: Choose Your Mountain: Hebrews Lesson 32
By Kyle Mounts June 18, 2023
Holy Perseverance: Hebrews Lesson 31
By Kyle Mounts June 11, 2023
God’s Good Discipline: Hebrews Lesson 30
By Kyle Mounts June 4, 2023
Finish the Race: Hebrews Lesson 29
By Kyle Mounts May 22, 2023
Faith Come What May: Hebrews Lesson 28
By Kyle Mounts May 14, 2023
The Faith of a Murderer and a Prostitute: Hebrews Lesson 27
By Kyle Mounts May 7, 2023
A Better Country: Hebrews Lesson 26
By Kyle Mounts May 1, 2023
Faith of our Fathers: Hebrews Lesson 25
By Kyle Mounts April 23, 2023
Perseverance of the Saints: Hebrews Lesson 24
By Derek Flowers April 17, 2023
Confident in Christ: Hebrews Lesson 23
By Derek Flowers April 2, 2023
 Once For All: Hebrews Lesson 22
By Derek Flowers March 26, 2023
Substitutionary Atonement: Hebrews Lesson 21
By Kyle Mounts March 12, 2023
So we’re going to talk about substitutionary atonement today. I’m going to give you four aspects of that concept.
A True and Better Tabernacle: Hebrews Lesson 20
By Kyle Mounts March 5, 2023
A New Covenant: Hebrews Lesson 19
By Derek Flowers February 26, 2023
Guarantor of a Better Covenant: Hebrews Lesson 18
By Kyle Mounts February 19, 2023
Hebrews Lesson 18: Guarantor of a Better Covenant 7:20-28
A Priest of Perfection and Reconciliation: Hebrews Lesson 17
By Derek Flowers February 5, 2023
The Superiority of Melchizedek: Hebrews Lesson 16
January 29, 2023
And today is really just an introduction to this person, Melchizedek. Today, we’re just going to get everyone up to speed on who Melchizedek is, and I also what to cover who Melchizedek isn’t. More on that in a second.
The Anchor of Our Souls: Hebrews Lesson 15
January 15, 2023
The author of Hebrews wants his audience to have hope. And he wants them to have faith. And he wants them to have patience. In fact, he wants them to imitate those who have had faith and patience in inheriting promises.
The Accompaniments of Salvation: Hebrews Lesson 14
January 8, 2023
The author wants to give them assurance in this passage, and also give them the practical signs of a genuine believer that feeds assurance.
Pressing On Towards Maturity: Hebrews Lesson 13
January 1, 2023
today’s message is about pressing on towards maturity as a follower of Christ. Today’s message is about not getting stuck in kindergarten with your Christian faith, when by now you should be in graduate school.
Don’t Be Dull of Hearing: Hebrews Lesson 12
December 18, 2022
Instead of solid food, you are still gulping down milk. It’s an amazing metaphor that he uses here. And it’s as vivid as it is insulting.
High Priest Par Excellence: Hebrews Lesson 11
December 11, 2022
Here’s your outline for today. The title of today’s message is “High Priest Par Excellence.” And I want to show you three ways that Christ is a better high priest than any other.
Our Great High Priest: Hebrews Lesson 10
December 4, 2022
And the argument is essentially that Jesus is a true and better priest, truer and better than any priest that has ever served in Israel. This is a concept, Jesus’s high priesthood, that has been teased already twice in Hebrews (2:17; 3:1). But now the author expounds on it in great depth.
Finding Rest: Hebrews Lesson 9
November 20, 2022
“What does that word ‘fear” mean in Greek, Pastor Tony?” Well brace yourselves for this. That word “fear” means “fear.” It’s the verb φοβέομαι which we derive our word “phobia” from. And as we see throughout Scripture there is good fear and there is bad fear.
How to fight a Hard Heart: Hebrews Lesson 8
November 13, 2022
In today’s passage, the overarching message is “Do Not Harden Your Hearts.” That’s the message the writer of Hebrews is trying to convey to his original audience, this group of Jewish Christians who are waffling in their commitment to Christ.
Moses is Inferior: Hebrews Lesson 7
October 30, 2022
The church must have had an overly elevate view of Moses. Or they were tempted to go back to a Moses-before-Jesus religion. And they needed a reminder that there’s only one Messiah, and his name isn’t Moses.
Brother, Deliverer, and Helper: Hebrews Lesson 6
October 23, 2022
We are continuing our series today, “Christ Supreme in All Things.” And we come to the last of what you might call the “Jesus is greater than the angels” texts of Hebrews. But what we really have in this passage, Hebrews 2:10-18, is a theological exploration of Jesus’s incarnation.
From Cross to Crown: Hebrews Lesson 5
October 16, 2022
Up to this point, the author has spoken about Jesus, the second person of the Trinity. But he hasn’t used his name. He’s used the designation “The Son.” So you have those repeated statements in chapter 1 about the Son being better than the angels.
The Danger of Drift: Hebrews Lesson 4
October 9, 2022
Jesus is far greater, far better, far more powerful than the angelic hosts that Jesus himself created. The angels themselves think it’s ridiculous that people would try to bring Jesus down to the level of an angelic being.
Angels Inferior: Hebrews Lesson 3
September 3, 2022
Let’s take our Bibles together and turn to Hebrews 1:5-14. There is a massive corrective that this author gives his audience in this chapter concerning angels.
The Superiority of the Son: Hebrews Lesson 2
September 2, 2022
Let’s turn in our Bibles to the passage just read, Hebrews 1:1-4. Some have called Hebrews 1:1-4 the greatest, Greek sentence in the NT. It is a glorious piece of writing.
An Introduction to Hebrews: Lesson 1
September 1, 2022
In terms of size (word count), Hebrews is the thirty first largest book out of sixty-six books. The only books that are longer than Hebrews in the NT are Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, and 1 Corinthians. So this is a lengthier book in the NT, but it’s only about a quarter of the size of the longest book in the NT, Luke.
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